Top 3 Ways To Make An Impression For Investors - Santa Clarita Start Up Check List

Start up Impressions In Los Santa Clarita Valley

When a start up is new, its imperative for all founding members and employee's to make a lasting impression on foreign investors and angel investors that are considering the next big thing for up coming years. Certainly Santa Clarita Valley is a prominent area but not very known for its start up culture. Some new businesses are developing and choosing the area as a nice place to build reputation and a new found business.

What to consider As a startup? 

There are two reasons why a start up may fail and the reasons may sound ridiculous at first but given enough time, I might be able to convince you how important these are. The first and most important reason why businesses failed is what i am here to discusses. Its about funding and attracting investors that are excited about your business. How can you attract new investors? Its about being more than what you are till you get there. Its about making an excellent impression as both a person and a startup to make investors want to be part of this new growing idea. 99% of businesses and startups fail because they run  out of money to quickly and forced to close the doors to soon.

Public Relations

In order to earn investors, great public relations is crucial for start ups. Most start ups are never even discovered before its too late. We all heard stories about a service that gets reported only when the idea fails and its time to close doors. Its sad but its true. Marketing is not only about obtaining clients but keeping a reputation that will attract business and investors. Its probably #1 most important thing to consider when running and managing a new start up.


Perception is like marketing but on fire to explain. Perception for clients and investors is important because they need to be needed but not too needed as they can feel trapped. Building a perception can include a new modern office, with interesting furniture, artworks and more. How about luxury car services as a way to pick up your clients at the terminal especially foreign investors. Santa Clarita Car Service,  provides limo service and private car service in Santa Clarita. Local office that can pick up and drop off foriegn investors from Airports nearby. New sports car that is parked near the front of the offices can help make sure you have the attention of those that walk through the doors without being too tacky.

Strong Product

No investor is going to even consider your product without it being well researched and developed to perfection. Its one of those things that can make or break your company. Imagine a prototype that fails during investor viewing. This will destroy the chance for investors to consider you and your company seriously. Imagine your building the next smart car, or a smart water bottle that can calculate something valuable for consumers. The product and idea needs to be sound and competitive.

Hope you take my ideas and use it strongly! Comment or follow for more to come!

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